
Showing posts from July, 2015

Healthy Soul Meditation

Experience The Joy & Freedom Of Optimum Brain Health In Days, Without Drugs Or Overpriced Treatments. Reduce stress, prevent brain disease, improve your memory and even boost you I.Q with our simple system that requires only a pair of headphones, your computer, or tablet or smartphone, and just a few minutes a day Free Downloads available on request please


Are You In Control Of Your Thoughts. Or Are They In Control Of YOU? Now. FINALLY Tap Into The Raw Power Of Your Mind To Create Abundance, Love, Joy. And Anything Else Your Heart Desires - Starting TODAY! Dear Friend, Are you truly fulfilled by the circumstances in your life right now? I'm not talking about feeling like everything in your life is just "okay." I'm talking about being able to wake up every morning and enthusiastically get out of bed, ready to embrace another exciting, joyous day of abundance. I'm talking about knowing that, with every thought you think and every action you take, you're attracting the right circumstances to find even more opportunities for joy and growth. I'm talking about being able to slip into bed at night and drift into rejuvenating, peaceful sleep almost immediately. knowing that you've created a day that brought incredible meaning and fulfillment - not only to you, but to everyone around you. If you...




Harness The Power of Your Mind You have abilities and powers that you're not even aware of. You were born with these powers--  but you have never learned how to master them . Instead you go through life like an unguided missile trying different things and hoping for the best - but never really fulfilling your dreams. I'll show you how to master these amazing powers and fulfill your dreams with my unique  Creating Power System . Doctors and scientists now firmly believe that 75% of all sickness and disease starts in the mind. Researchers have also proven that stress, which starts in the mind, is the number one cause of all fatigue and illness. Scientists have also proven that we only use 10% of our mind. The rest is never used properly. That means 10% of our mind is causing 75% of all sickness -- and we don't even know how to use that 10% properly. Imagine what would happen if we used our mind to it's fullest? We would stop getting sick and live healthier, more p...

Power of Mind

You Get What You Ask For In life we get what we ask for. Now you surely say that it isn’t true. You say you ask for freedom and happiness and all you got was feeling imprisoned and bad. Let’s have a closer look to how creation works and  how our subconscious mind works.  Because it’s the same. Everything that exists is created in someone’s mind. Everything starts with a thought.  A thought is an energy . Energy wants to manifest itself. A lot of thoughts in the same direction will, that’s for sure, manifest in the real world. This is the process of creation.  We are created by the same process. We use this process of creation all the time, without knowing it. When we are not conscious, then we are like most people and use this power to create a negative life. We have negative thoughts and get negative results.  Once welearn how to think positive thoughts,  we will get positive results in our life  How com...

What You Are Not Being Told About The Secret & Law Of Attraction

Whether you have been perusing the self-help or personal development section of the book store, been around people who are looking for personal success or whether you are part of or know of people in spiritual circles, The Secret or Law of Attraction is a big topic and has been for years. Some of us know a lot about it, some a little, for some of us it works and for some it “doesn’t,” either way, this article will explore a bit about The Secret or Law of Attraction and will touch on some key factors we are often not told about it. What Is It? For simplicity sake, I’m going to use the abbreviation LOA throughout the article when I’m speaking about the Secret or The Law of Attraction. Simply put, the LOA is said to be a universal law that states every person has the ability to attract things into their life with their thoughts and intentions. If someone is thinking and believing negative things all the time, they will attract them into their experience. If someone is thinking posit...

Law of Attraction

Besides health, which we all tend to take for granted until something goes wrong, I would hazard a guess that money is one of the most important topics for most people.  More important even than romance.  Why? Well, have you ever tried to impress someone you have romantic feelings for when you don't have two dimes to rub together?  Not easy!  That's why I so like my Guru, Bob Proctor's "The 11 Forgotten Laws That Make The Law of Attraction An Unbreakable Force":  As a reminder, Bob believes that one of the primary reasons we fail to achieve the results we desire in life is that we often do not allow our positive belief system to mature.  We expect too much in too short a time period, and fail to appreciate that the thoughts we implant today CAN bring us exactly the results we desire if we give them the proper time to develop.  As I mentioned last time, even if you do not see the results you have been seeking initially, this does not mean you are bou...


As humans we are uniquely aware that we have brains and bodies capable of adaptability, that we can affect the course our lives take, that we can make choices along the way that vastly affect the quality of our lives-biologically, intellectually, environmentally, and spiritually. We have the ability to mold our very beings to become what or who we wish to become — and that includes intentionally becoming someone who earns a lot of money. While some of us may have genetic and biological imperatives that may require medication or training to overcome, or at least to modulate, the vast majority of us have high functioning brains and thereby hold our financial destiny in our hands. Recent research has shown that our brains continue to be adaptable throughout our lifetimes; so, if you haven't primed your brain for financial success, there's still time. To get you started, here are seven fundamental things you need to know about your brain and how it relates to money. 1.  You ...

Learn To Be Prosper While You Sleep

95% of all human problems stem from a negative mind. This figure includes such traits as timidity, domestic discord, business failure, bad memory, tenseness, unhappiness, worry, etc.  You can do something about it... while you sleep! You are a mind with a body attached, not a body with a mind attached! Realize this and you are on your way to self-mastery. This is the new approach to the Conscious Mind through the other level that never sleeps, the Creative Mind.  What you will discover is priceless! This book shows how to use the deepest thinking part of you, while you sleep, to get whatever you want out of life . . . money, personal influence, love, respect and admiration.  At will, you can direct your Creative Mind to assist you in solving problems . . . making the right decisions ... in creating ways and means of great achievement . . . over night! With this technique you can sleep on it and awake in the morning with answers so clear-cut you will be amazed! ...


आदरणीय बंधुवर, सपा मुखिया मुलायम सिंह यादव पर फोन से आईपीएस अधिकारी अमिताभ ठाकुर को धमकी देने के आरोप लगाये नूतन ठाकुर ने। जारी की फोन रेकॉर्डिंग् क्लिप।मौलिक भारत से भी जुड़े हें ठाकुर दंपति।के. विकास गुप्ता को भी धमकी मिल रही हें। उनको भी पुलिस सुरक्षा हेतु यू पी पुलिस को मौलिक भारत की और से कहा गया था, हाल ही मेँ उन्हें दो गन मेन मिल गए हें। मुझे तो धमकी मिलना आम बात हे ही।हम सब को मिलकर इस चुनोती से लड़ने का रास्ता ढूंढना होगा।  We demand immediate action by Home Minister, Govt of India in this regard. आज 10 जुलाई 2015 दिन में फोन नंबर 0522-2235477 से श्री मुलायम सिंह यादव फ़ोन नंबर 094155-34526 पर अमिताभ ठाकुर को समय 16.43 बजे- 02.10 मिनट बात हुई- पूरी बातचीत नीचे है----along with recording नेताजी बात करना चाहते हैं आपसे अमिताभ - कौन नेताजी माननीय मुलायम सिंह जी अमिताभ - अच्छा मुलायम सिंह - हेल्लो अमिताभ - जय हिन्द सर अमिताभ बोल रहा हूँ सर मुलायम सिंह - अमिताभ ठाकुर, जसराना की दावत वाली बात भूल गए आप, वही करना पड़ेगा आपका अमिताभ - सर आदेश करें सर मु...

Look At The Solution,Not At The Problem

This is very important if you have decided you want to be successful. And here is why: no matter what you do you are going to run into problems. It’s just part of life, a part of business, a part of anything we’re doing. If you let the problems get in your way, they will become bigger than your idea was to begin with and you will be wiped out. No matter how bad things look, keep your focus on the solution and you will be surprised how things can work out and work out properly. One way I do this is to ask myself when confronting a possible problem: is this a blip or is this a catastrophe? A catastrophe is something like an earthquake, a tsunami, a war and so forth and a blip is everything else. Right away you will have the right perspective and your equilibrium will be restored. So keep your focus on the solution! Speaking about finding solutions to problems I want to share with you also a great piece of content about what particular skills entrepreneurs need to su...