
Saturday, January 30, 2021

European Flight Organization Clears Boeing 737 Max to Fly Again

                        European Flight Organization Clears Boeing 737 Max to Fly Again 

An adjusted rendition of the Boeing 737 Max, fusing numerous well being redesigns, has been affirmed to continue trips in Europe, following almost two years of surveys after the airplane was associated with two destructive accidents that saw the planes grounded around the world, the European flying security office said Wednesday. 

Changes ordered by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency, or EASA, incorporate a bundle of programming redesigns, an adjusting of the electrical framework, support checks, activities manual updates and new group preparing. 

"We have arrived at a critical achievement on a lengthy, difficult experience," said EASA leader chief Patrick Ky. 

Following broad investigation by EASA, we have confirmed that the 737 MAX can securely re-visitation of administration. This evaluation was done in full freedom of Boeing or the Federal Aviation Administration and with no monetary or political pressing factor – we posed troublesome inquiries until we found solutions and pushed for arrangements which fulfilled our demanding security necessities. We did our own flight tests and test system meetings and didn't depend on others to do this for us." 

The planes were grounded in March 2019 after the accidents of a Lion Air trip close to Jakarta on Oct. 29, 2018, and an Ethiopian Airlines trip on March 10, 2019, slaughtering a sum of 346 individuals. Specialists discovered that the reason for the accidents was a defective PC framework that pushed the plane's nose descending in flight and couldn't be superseded by pilots. 

Changes commanded by EASA, situated in Cologne, Germany, incorporate a recertification of the plane's flight-control framework, called the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, or MCAS, which was not a piece of past 737 models. 

"While the examinations surveyed that the conduct of the MCAS and related alarming frameworks were the away from reason for the two accidents, EASA quickly understood that a far more extensive audit of the 737 MAX was required," the office said. 

EASA stretched out its investigation to the whole flight control framework, with a specific spotlight on human elements — "the genuine encounter for a pilot of flying the plane." 

With that in mind, all 737 Max pilots will presently require to go through irregular extraordinary preparing, remembering for a test system, to guarantee they are completely acquainted with the updated plane and ready to deal with explicit situations that may emerge during flight. 

The European pilots' affiliation ECA invited the new airworthiness mandate, saying it was significant that "European pilots ceaselessly drew in with EASA to ensure the operational point of view of the line pilots are all around reflected in the audit cycle." 

"One essentially off-base – and at last deadly – thought had affected the underlying airplane plan and accreditation measure: that pilot preparing is a weight, an expense, rather than being viewed as a venture," said ECA specialized issues chief Tanja Harter. "It was significant that the re-certificate adjusts this." 

Ky said EASA will keep on checking 737 Max activities intently as the airplane resumes administration. 

Leave me alone very certain that this excursion doesn't end here," he said. 

Notwithstanding the green-light from EASA, the real return of the airplane to the skies of Europe may in any case take some time. 

Aircraft will in any case have to guarantee their pilots have gotten the preparation expected to fly the plane, and that the upkeep and changes vital have been done after the long establishing. Some EU states should lift their own individual establishing sees too and the U.K., which has left the coalition, should make its own decision. 

The pandemic, then, has caused extreme travel limitations. Numerous carriers are flying a negligible portion of their typical courses, which EASA said could influence the speed of the airplane's re-visitation of business activities. 

The 737 Max got back to the skies in the United States a month ago, after the Federal Aviation Administration endorsed changes that Boeing made to the computerized flight control framework. 

It has additionally been permitted by Brazil to continue flights, and has been cleared by Transport Canada.

Col Rajendra Shukla(Retd)

Aviation and Air Cargo Consultant

Thursday, January 28, 2021



A progression of advancements have pulled in the consideration of the International Community to an arising and troubling marvel of Sino-Pak-North Korea-Turkey nexus for atomic expansion. This gathering is surreptitiously procuring atomic and rocket innovation to help the atomic program of Turkey. Turkish President Erdogan's endeavors to obtain atomic weapons and innovation to accomplish his international aspirations have been a significant worry since September 2019, when he straightforwardly announced such expectations. 

The most recent improvement in this setting was the gathering of the Turkish-Pakistan High-Level Military Dialog Group on 22-23 December 2020. Pakistan's Defense Secretary Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Mian Muhammad Hilal Hussain drove the appointment from Islamabad, while Deputy Chief of Turkish Army General Selcuk Bayraktaroglu headed the Turkish group. Media reports demonstrate that one of the fundamental themes on the plan was the atomic conveyance innovation and frameworks. The Pak appointment met top Turkish Army commanders and administrators managing rocket creation and aeronautical military equipment. It included Professor Ismail Demir head of Presidency of Turkish Defense Industries and Temil Kotil, CEO of Turkish Aerospace Limited (TAI). The Pakistani protection designation additionally visited top Turkish guard organizations. Moreover, on the 21st December 2020 Lt. Gen. Sahir Shamshad of Pakistani Army additionally met Lt. Gen. Wali Turkchi of Turkish Army in Ankara for the Second Round of Turkish-Pakistani Military Talks. Media reports showed that move of rocket innovation and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) were the focal point of these discussions. 

On the sixteenth June 2020, a German report uncovered that Pakistan and North Korea were associated with seeking after endeavors to fabricate atomic weapons and conveyance frameworks and were acquiring material for such weapons and innovation surreptitiously from Germany and somewhere else in Europe. Such things were acquired by means of China or Turkey. The Sino-Pak-North Korea cooperation is notable over atomic weapons and innovation. Pakistan had provided North Korea the atomic weapons innovation. In 1998, the subtleties of the Pak atomic tests were imparted to North Korea. North Korea has shared the innovation of the rockets. China had given help to both Pakistan and North Korea for their atomic weapon programs. Pakistan had gotten the atomic weapon grade Uranium from China at first. 

On third February 2020, the detainment of a boat (Da Cui Yun) at the Kangla port bearing a Hong Kong banner and destined for Port Qasim in Karachi for wrongly proclaiming autoclave, which can be utilized in the dispatch cycle of ballistic rockets, as a mechanical dryer, likewise proposed Sino-Pak-Turkish endeavors for atomic multiplication. Autoclave is basic for creating silica sheets under controlled tension for the strong fuel to be utilized in the ballistic rockets. It is utilized in long and medium reach rockets like Shaheen II and Nodong. The thing was wrongly pronounced as well as more critically, the boat had a place with a Chinese organization COSCO, which was prior authorized by the US. The objective of the boat was Port Qasim in Karachi, where the Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO), answerable for Pakistan ballistic rocket program, is based. It was evaluated that the autoclave was intended for Turkey. 

Critically, this was not the first occasion when that a Pak bound boat was distinguished conveying rocket material and wrongly proclaiming them to stay away from identification. During the Kargil struggle, the North Korean boat Ku Wol San was seized at the Kangla port. This boat was conveying rocket segments, metal housings and Scud rocket manuals to Pakistan, which were pronounced as the water sanitizing hardware. 

An investigation by the London based research organization International Institute for Strategic Studies had drawn out that A Q Khan network was helped by the Turkish organizations, which imported atomic related material from Europe, made axis parts and delivered them to Pakistan and different nations. It is emphatically accepted that Turkey could be having various axes, with the help from Pakistan. 

Considering the abovementioned, it is evaluated that China and North Korea are providing atomic innovation and material for conveyance frameworks to Turkey through Pakistan. Pakistan is quickly providing Turkey atomic and rocket innovation and helping with building the last's abilities in these fields. This nexus is growing quick. 

This improvement should be seen with regards to creating vital relations between Pakistan-Turkey. Erdogan desires to arise as the pre-prominent worldwide Islamic pioneer supplanting the Saudi Arabian sovereign. The fractures inside the Islamic countries are obvious inside the Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) where the Saudi-drove camp is at loggerheads with an arising gathering involving Turkey, Pakistan and Malaysia. 

China's cozy relationship with Islamic nations like Pakistan and Turkey is driven by its essential advantages, however they are philosophically entirely unexpected. Pakistan and Turkey both understand that the Chinese clout would be useful to them in accomplishing their essential destinations. That is the reason these two nations don't restrict the Chinese 'slaughter' of Muslims in Uyghurs. At whatever point they find unlawful transients from Uyghurs in their nations, they unobtrusively hand them over to China. China likewise desires to control Muslims in Uyghurs through them. 

Turkey prior had filled in as the center for A Q Khan's stealthy arrangements. This country however a signatory to the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), Erdogan has not made it mystery that he doesn't engage any limitation on Turkey forced by atomic forces. Erdogan sees that Turkey needs atomic weapons to have a similar sort of security which Israel appreciates. 

Pakistan's surreptitious exercises with regards to atomic expansion are notable. Media reports demonstrate that few Pak researchers are currently attempting to help the Turkish atomic program. The developing nexus has genuine security suggestions for the International Community and exceptionally for India. Of late, China-Pak-Turkey bunch have been vocally contradicting India's strategy in J&K-an absolutely interior issue. Their analysis has gotten shriller. Their joined endeavors are to push India out from Afghanistan and Central Asia. India needs to put forth conciliatory attempts to kill this present gathering's joined endeavors against India.

Col Rajendra Shukla (Retdd)

Sunday, January 17, 2021


 16 Jan 21.,

The Chairman IESM,
The Vice Chairman IESM,

The Secretary General IESM,

The Treasurer IESM and

The Joint Secretary IESM.

  1. Reference trailing email dated 16 Jan 21, from Chairman IESM.
    I am deeply shocked to read the trailing email.
  2. When the Kissan Andolan started, I too had full sympathies with their movement. I studied the Three Agricultural Reforms but found there was nothing against our ‘Ann Data’ in those Reforms.
  3. My sympathies still continued with the Kissan Andolan because I thought that some of them have not understood the contents of the Agricultural Reforms. As the days passed I realised that it is not innocent Kissan who is agitating but he is made to agitate as some vested interest are deliberately misguiding him.
  4. Most sincere efforts by the Government India have failed to find a solution to end the Andolan, because the so called Kissan Leaders are acting in a most obstinate manner; I have no hesitation in saying so called Kissan Leaders have been bought by The Middleman in the procurement and sale proceeds of help Kissans and The Politicians of India who want to have a show down with the PM – Shree Narendra Modi, since the future of all these Politicians is doomed as long as The Present Government of India remails popular among the masses.
  5. The Government has repeatedly said during the meetings with Kissan Leaders that whatever are the doubts or grievances of the Kissan, those doubts will be removed and necessary instruction will be issued. However, the so called Kissan Leaders, who have been bought by the Political Parties and The Middleman, insist that first withdraw the Three Laws and then only we will talk.
  6. When the Supreme Court intervened, they refused to take part with appointed committee. They refuse to accept the Constitutional Order of The Government of India, passed by majority of MPs in the two houses of Parliament and they refuse th listen to the Supreme Court.
  7. Such anti-national nonsense cannot be supported by a Defence Veterans’ Organisation of All India Repute – IESM – which is known for its disciplined ways of agitating against their grievances so peacefully.
  8. The media has even shown posters of Khalistan Movement on the tractors. A few Pak terrorists in the disguise of Sikhs have been caught in the Kissan Rally.
  9. For many years, the previous Governments have been discussing the same reforms in the Parliament but failed to implement partly due to lack of support and partly due to pressure by the Rich Kissans who run Anaaj Mandis – The Middleman, which also hold mighty posts in Political Parties.
  10. Please understand that the present Kissan Andolan is being controlled by Rich Kissans, The Middleman and Political Parties, with their guns on the shoulders of innocent kissans; the Rich Kissan are do not want these reforms because they would lose their huge income as ‘Middleman’ and The Politicians are opposing to show The Present Government in poor light so that they may have better chances in future elections.
  11. I feel that some of members of the Executive Committee also now want to support the Kissan Andolan, because they want to have a show down with Modi – if it is show then all of you should be ashamed of yourselves.
    Just because OROP has not been granted in the way you want.
  12. As a Founder Member of IESM I demand that kindly explain to me what the detail reasons are for taking a decision to Join the Kissan Agitation which is supported by just a few states while majority of States are in favour of the New Agriculture Reforms.
  13. While I agree that Government has not given the OROP to our expectations but does that mean we stoop so low to oppose the Government of India on issues which do not concern us.
  14.  Does the Executive Committee of IESM realises the damage you are doing to the reputation of The Defence Veteran Community???
    What you are thinking of doing will not only bring bad name to IESM but to the entire Defence Personnel Community – serving and retired.
  15. I request The Secretary General/ Joint Secretary of IESM to kindly forward this email of mine to all the members of IESM on your emailing list.

16. In turn I request All Members of IESM, that since such a major decision should not be taken without the approval of General Body. Since due Covid 19 restrictions a General Body meeting is not feasible, All Members on Email Group of IESM should discuss this issue through email.
Let us all make a joint decision and NOT ALLOW Chairman IESM to support the Kissan Agitation on Ground based on his own whims and fancies – even the Executive Committee members are supporting him

  1. I further request IESM Executive Committee to pend this decision of joining the Kissan Agitation till majority of members of IESM approve it via email.
  2. In case the IESM Executive Committee does not accept my above request, I will start a campaign against IESM on "REPORT MY SIGNAL" and show all Veterans the lowly thinking of IESM Executive Committee and The Chairman IESM.
  3. I will make sure that All Members of "REPORT MY SIGNAL", spread over 17 Countries, will start blasting the IESM for their irresponsible behaviour.
  4. I will endorse the copies of such emails to The Three Services Headquarters to inform them of grave action being planned by IESM to damage the reputation of the Entire Defence Community.


I hope and pray to The Almighty that better sense will prevail on all the members of The IESM Executive Committee.

With my profound regards to all members of IESM Executive Committee –


Brig CS Kamboj, VSM, Veteran.
Email ID: 

Mobile No:


For Kind Consideration of Anchor of IESM Website and Email Service..

Thank you.With regards and best wishes –

Chander Kamboj 

I support Brig Kamboj and ask IESM to desist from supporting Fake and Anti National donning garb of Kissan.

Jia Hind

Col Rajendra Shukla, Sigs Veteran


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Aviation and Air Cargo Workforce Must Be Given Priority -COVID19 Vaccination Program

 Aviation representatives ought to be considered as basic laborers for Coronavirus antibody, incorporating all workers managing Air Load at the Landing area and at the Freight Terminal and related Payload Distribution centers. 

The aviation business needs its laborers to be considered as basic when the immunization is turned out across the globe, as they will assume a basic job in its distribution.It is quintessential for Air Load Laborers who will manage Transportation of Corona virus Antibody around the globe. 

The Global Air Transport Affiliation (IATA) has restored its approach governments to guarantee that representatives in the flying area are considered as fundamental specialists during the looming Corona virus antibody crusade, when medical care laborers and weak gatherings have been ensured. 

IATA's 76th Yearly Comprehensive gathering (AGM) had consistently received a goal with this impact. 

We Air Cargo Professionals are not requesting flying specialists to be on first spot on the list, however we need governments to guarantee that transportation laborers are considered as basic when antibody turn out plans are created. The transportation of the Corona virus immunizations has just started, and as counts show, it will require what could be compared to 8,000 Boeing 747 vessel airplane for worldwide dissemination. It is in this manner fundamental that we have the certified labor force set up to guarantee a working coordination chain." 

IATA's call is lined up with the proposed Guide for Organizing Employments of Corona virus Antibodies by the World Well being Association's Essential Warning Gathering of Specialists on Vaccination (SAGE). This suggests need populaces for immunization dependent on the particular epidemiological circumstance and antibody supply situations. Inside this structure, SAGE has included transportation laborers close by other fundamental areas outside wellbeing and instruction areas including police, for instance. 

Essential job has been played via Air Transport in encouraging the worldwide reaction to the pandemic, including the opportune dispersion of prescriptions, testing units, defensive gear and in the end immunizations around the globe.

'Hates Trump': US Expels South African Envoy In 'Very Rare' Move

  'Hates Trump': US Expels South African Envoy In 'Very Rare' Move The removal of the ambassador, an uncommon action by the ...