Congress propaganda.
What Shashi Throor, former Assistant UN Secretary General is saying is horrible like Hindu Taliban, and Hindu Pakistan.
What Shashi Tehroor, former Assistant UN Secretary General is saying is horrible like Hindu Taliban, and Hindu Pakistan.
No one in the past has uttered such horrible statements. There is something definitely wrong with congress party and its leaders and workers.
WHY 80% HINDUS TOLERATE SUCH NONSENSE FROM CORRUPT CONGRESS HOODLUM. There is no such thing as Hindu Taliban, nor Hindu is violent.
Hindu population of Islamic republic of Pakistan, was over 23% BEFORE partition, NOW IT IS REDUCED TO LESS THAN 1%, same time, MUSLIM POPULATION OF HINDUSTAN HAS INCREASED OVER 400%. That ignorant Throor and JAICHAND likes selfish, self centered, DESH-DROHI, politicians like Nehru, family, Italian Sonia, and others, BE GRATEFUL TO MOTHER INDIA, AND 80% TOLERANT, PEACEFUL, HINDUS, that you traitors have freedom to speak against MOTHER INDIA, even demand Tukray Tukray of mother India, which feeds, protect, and nurture traitors like above.
Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill (PCTV Bill)
{Sonia Khan’s, efforts to put “Final Nail”, in the Hindus’ “Coffin.” The draft bill is biased and against Majority ie Hindus. Many educated people are not aware of this bill (Are you one of them?) The UPA II was very keen to pass this bill during this winter session 2013. IF THIS BILL IS PASSED, in future, HINDUS WILL BE TREATED AS CRIMINALS WORLD WIDE}
KEY POINTS and Comments on Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill (PCTV) (written in the present tense)
1. A Hindu against whom any Muslim/Christian/ minority, make any complaint, shall be presumed by law to be guilty by Police & Courts till that Hindu proves his innocence (Sec70, 71& 73)
2. An accused Hindu shall have to be immediately arrested, as all offences under this bill, are non-bail able & cognizable (Sec 56)
3. This law can be invoked only by a minority against Hindus.
4. Accused Hindu shall not be informed who has complained against him (Sec 38) but police has to inform complainant progress of the case.
5. A minority is not required to give any evidence to support his complaints against Hindus (Sec 70, 71 & 72)
6. A Hindu refusing to do business with any minority, shall be immediately arrested [Sec 3 (f) (i)]. Taking advantage of such anti – Hindu laws a minority can force a Hindu to sell /rent his property and even surrender his daughters to minorities.
7. A minority cannot be punished for making even false complaints/ statement against Hindus (Sec 40)
8. The PCTV Bill (56 pages) is based on presumption that all Hindus are criminals and communal riots are always committed only by Hindus and never by minorities. This law can be invoked only against Hindus by minorities. Muslims, Christians called “the Group” in the bill (sec 3.e). If they commit violence and hate against Hindus they cannot be booked under this new law, as they are exempt from it.
9. Under the PCTV Bill, a Hindu against whom a Muslim including a Bangaladeshi Muslim infiltrator, a jehadi terrorist Muslim or a Christian or any minority makes a complaint, the Hindu shall be presumed ab initio, to be guilty of crimes; that Hindu shall have to be arrested as all crimes under this Bill are cognizable and non-bail able [Clause 56 of may 2011 version]; that Hindu shall have to prove his innocence before a Court; that the Muslim or Christian making complaint is not required to give any proof or evidence to support charge against that Hindu; that Hindu shall not be informed as to who has made complaint against him [Section 38]. During the pendency of the case the court can attach property of the accused Hindu even before he is found guilty [Sec 80, 81]. After this bill is passed any donation for religious charity made by a Hindu industrialist will invite great penalty and legal action against him.
10. If a minority woman complains of rape against a Hindu, he shall be arrested and he shall have to prove that charge against him is false and that Hindu will not know which woman has made complaint. But if a Hindu woman is raped by a minority male then she has to prove charge of rape against that Muslim etc and her identity shall be told to her rapist. (Ind. Exp. 12.1.12)
11. Taking advantage of this bill a religious minority can force a Hindu to sell his property to him or rent his property to him; can force a Hindu to write off debts a minority owes to him. If a Hindu landlord evicts his Muslim tenant, then he can be sent to jail by a false complaint of that tenant. If a Hindu factory owner suspends a Muslim employee for bad work he can be sent to jail by a false complaint of that employee in which no proof required. If a Muslim applies for a job, the Hindu industrialist cannot refuse him. A minority can blackmail a Hindu industrialist and collect lacs of rupees from him. This bill will encourage Terrorist elements and pave the ground for Civil War in India. This is Anti-national, Anti-secular, Anti-Harmony, Anti- Democracy, Anti-Constitution, Anti-People and Anti Business. This bill is a violation of human rights of 95 crore Hindu hence we should appeal to the United Nations. Yet Mulayam Singh is supporting this will.
12. This Bill if enacted as a law shall give a legal weapon to every minority to send to jail for 10 years or more any Hindu. (Indian Express 12/1/12) The question arises why there is so much hatred against peace loving innocent Hindus. All this is because there is Muslim unity (Muslim Vote Bank) but No Hindu unity (Hindu Vote Bank).
13. Congress wanted to pass this bill because this bill will create permanent hatred between majority and minorities.
14. Many minority institutions including Jemait-e-Ulema Hind were forcing congress for passing this bill. Hence Mahagathan will pass this bill saliently if they win 2019. (Gulam Navi Azad said in 2013, that govt. is committed to pass this bill.
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