
Tuesday, June 11, 2013


It is shocking for the BJP organisation that Modi and his gang has staged a Coup against Senior Leader and BJP patriarch LK Advani.

No wonder all other LKA supporters now look standing by Narendra Modi because of their Political Ambitions.Has any one from BJP asked Mr Advani what is his political ambition now?Certainly he is father like and may not want to be PM candidate but fearing this Modi and his gang supported covertly by RSS assasinated Advani Politically.

Advani  was not taken by surprise he must have smelt it for last few days before Goa Conclave.But he never imagined that Rajnath will become Modis  weapon to side line LK Advani.Moreover Sushma,Jaitly,Ananth Kr and Naidu proved that they are Fair Weather Birds now migrated,

Modi is experienced in hatching conspiracy.He did it with Sanjay Joshi with fake CD,Got removed Vaghela and Keshoo Bhai and noe tallest and prized kill LKAdvani.

This may not go too far as some are thinking that Modi alone can get 300 seats to the BJP in the name of Hindutva.Hindus have now know how Modi operates.May be few millions Jingoistic workers may support him but he may not get desired support in National Politics.
For this he has to leave Gujarat and come on national political arena which he is avoiding at this moment.May be he has collected very big resources for last 10 years in Gujarat and may use them from there it self to operate is Puppets in Delhi.
Time only will tell Him as much to people of this country what is in store.As epic Ramayana shows Biggest Administrator and Most Development Centric Ravana was ultimately could not touch Sky was Killed by Ram.

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India's Politicial Saga Modi vs Opposition