
Friday, June 28, 2013

Degradation of Military Ranks by Babus in the MOD

Warrior donning OG uniofrm have done their duties whenever called upon by the nation.UttraKhand natural disaster is one of recent example.Whole nation Salutes the Brave but Babus have always been working against Armed Forces to demean and Damn  them.The SC has passed orders on Rank Pay case in 2012,but still Babus are scuttling implementation of the order of SC.Is the people of the Country aware of this?How shamelessly Government AG appears for the Government in SC in cases on Disability Pension against our Nations Brave Hearts?People have also dome lip service on the sacrifices made by Defence Services Personnel.In independent India Not A Single Monument Can Be Erected in New Delhi since Sheila Dixit does not want it.How shamelessly Politicos and Babus insult and humiliate Soldiers has no limits.
It is time people of this country come forward for the cause of the Soldiers and fight with the Politico Babu Nexus working against Soldiers.

Jai Hind
Rank Pay Case
While the rank of Captain had been shown equivalent to Senior Time Scale (Under Secretary to Govt of India) of the civil services till the 3rd Pay Commission, it was suddenly shown below this civilian counterpart with effect from 01 Jan 1986 after the 4th Pay Commission, when the concept of rank pay was introduced since it was deducted from the basic pay.
And while there was no 4th Pay Commission recommendation or government order downgrading the rank of Captain (and subsequent ranks), this downgrade was surgically performed in a vacuum without official sanction, without authority and it continues till date.

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