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Here  are   some   important   direct   tax   case   laws   which   were   passed   recently -  It  may  be  helpful  in  proceeding  of Appeal  before   Supreme  Court,  High  Court,    Income  Tax   Appellate Tribunal (ITAT),  and  CIT (A).   Also  helpfully   for   Assessment   &   Reassessment    cases. 1.        Capital Gain -     Bogus capital gains from penny stocks: If the holding of shares is D-mat account cannot be disputed then the transaction cannot be held as bogus. The AO has also not disputed the sale of shares from the D-mat account of the assessee and the sale consideration was directly credited to the bank account of the assessee. Once the assessee produced al...


Governments are the last line of defense when it comes to shaping policy concerning aviation security. Since there is no overarching global regulator to oversee all governments in every country, the handling of aviation security policy ultimately comes down to individual governments themselves. As a result, the aviation industry faces challenges related to individual governments and how critical aviation security issues are handled by each. Industry desperately needs governments to overcome these obstacles in order to have a more secure and effective aviation market. Let’s discuss some governmental challenges in the aviation sector. Global Security Standard There is a lack of a global standard for security. While there are industry suggestions published by entities such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA), these organizations have no power to directly enforce their recommended standards and prac...

How To Use Audio Meditations During Your Meditation Practice

If you have been practicing meditation but have not been achieving the results that you desire, there is a simple way that you can greatly increase the power of your meditation sessions. You don’t need to be a guru at meditation to use this technique. As a matter of fact, even those that are new to this practice can still use this technique and experience its life-changing power. Meditation can work wonders on its own, but combined with this tool, it can achieve even more. You’re likely wondering what tool I am talking about… This wonderful tool is known as audio meditations. This type of  meditation  is probably the wave of the future. Likely because anyone can use them. There was a time when the effectiveness of a meditation session highly depended on how long a person has been practicing, their level of skill, and their level of knowledge on it. Thankfully, these days are gone. Modern forms of this practice are quite simple to do. On top of that, there a...

New Field Guns for Indian Army

Modi Govt’s Artillery Modernisation would change game at Pakistan border File photo of Haubits FH77 howitzer around which the Bofors scandal centered The artillery has always been a battle winning factor. It possesses the ability to strike deep with great accuracy and cause maximum damage to even well-constructed shelters and bunkers. This was evident in Kargil when it pulverised enemy bunkers on hill tops, making the task of assaulting infantry easier. However, Indian artillery for long, lacked equipment with increased calibre and range thus reducing its ability to shape the battlefield and cause large scale destruction. Other than the Bofors inducted in 1984, it possessed the 130 mm guns inducted in the 1960’s and 70’s and the 105 mm, home developed and manufactured field guns of the 1980’s. The 130 lacked the ability to fire in mountains and the 105 lacked range. Both guns fired limited type of shells with lesser level of fragmentation. The Bofors scandal was the basic r...

Will Military Hierarchy 'Make' Soldiers Vote? By Lt Gen Prakash Katoch

Pursuant to the Supreme Court directing the Election Commission (EC) to allow defence personnel to vote as general voters in place of their posting in peace stations, reiterating an earlier judgment in 1971, the Corps HQ located at Mathura informed the Uttar Pradesh (UP) State Government that troops of the Corps located in Uttar Pradesh would be voting in the 2007 UP State Elections. The intimation to state authorities was given three months before the state elections were scheduled. In those days EC had permitted soldiers to vote from the place of posting if they had served for six months in that station. Concurrently some veterans sent RTI to the local MLA and MP querying how they had helped families of serving soldiers and veterans in their area of jurisdiction and how had they contributed to development of the military cantonments – needless to mention there was no response to the RTIs. The UP State Government tried to wriggle out from soldier voting by saying the soldiers shou...


Congress propaganda. What Shashi Throor, former Assistant UN Secretary General is saying is horrible like Hindu Taliban, and Hindu Pakistan. What Shashi Tehroor, former Assistant UN Secretary General is saying is horrible like Hindu Taliban, and Hindu Pakistan. No one in the past has uttered such horrible statements. There is something definitely wrong with congress party and its leaders and workers. WHY 80% HINDUS TOLERATE SUCH NONSENSE FROM CORRUPT CONGRESS HOODLUM. There is no such thing as Hindu Taliban, nor Hindu is violent. IF HINDUS WERE VIOLENT AND PREJUDICE LIKE MUSLIMS, NOT A SINGLE MINORITY, OR MUSLIMS WOULD SURVIVE IN HINDUSTAN.! REMEMBER, ......... IGNORANT, FOOLISH, POLITICIANS / MOUTH PIECE OF CONGRESS AND OTHER SELFISH POLITICAL PARTIES, Hindu population of Islamic republic of Pakistan, was over 23% BEFORE partition, NOW IT IS REDUCED TO LESS THAN 1%, same time, MUSLIM POPULATION OF HINDUSTAN HAS INCREASED OVER 400%. That ignorant Throor an...


Gandhi's father was a thief who had worked for a rich Muslim Jamidar. Gandhi's father ran away after he was caught. This Muslim Jamidar got his wife as part of the property when Gandhi was not even born. Well, Gandhi was born during his mother was still caged by Muslim Jamidar. Muslim Jamidar had paid the expenses for his education in England. There are rumors that Gandhi's father used to go to meet his wife, like a thief in the night, but it is doubtful..... Excerpts are taken from the book "THE KORAN AND THE KAFIR - THE KORAN AND THE INFIDEL"... by A Ghosh - you may order this valuable book through Google Search; explaining 100s of Koran's verses, Meena Bazars, Histories. Also, find Sita Ram Goel books and Ram Swarup books - they were one of the TRUE PIONEERS in exposing Islam.  Congress merely replaced the Brits in many ways It is this slimy, backstabbing, self - serving Lutyens mindset  - Brilliant IN 1947 when the cunning British Rulers left IND...