
Tuesday, December 11, 2018


Here  are   some   important   direct   tax   case   laws   which   were   passed   recently -  It  may  be  helpful  in  proceeding  of Appeal  before  Supreme  Court,  High  Court,  Income  Tax   Appellate Tribunal (ITAT),  and  CIT (A).  Also  helpfully   for  Assessment   &   Reassessment   cases.

1.      Capital Gain -   Bogus capital gains from penny stocks: If the holding of shares is D-mat account cannot be disputed then the transaction cannot be held as bogus. The AO has also not disputed the sale of shares from the D-mat account of the assessee and the sale consideration was directly credited to the bank account of the assessee. Once the assessee produced all relevant evidence to substantiate the transaction of purchase, dematerialization and sale of shares then, in the absence of any contrary material brought on record the same cannot be held as bogus transaction merely on the basis of statement of one Anil Agrawal recorded by the Investigation Wing, Kolkata wherein there is a general statement of providing bogus long term capital gain transaction to the clients without stating anything about the transaction of allotment of shares by the company to the assessee. ( Favour of Assessee)
Ramprasad Agarwal vs. Income Tax Officer  ( ITAT Mumbai )

2.      Reassessment - A report of the Revenue audit party is merely information and opinion. It is not new or fresh or tangible material. If the reassessment notice is solely based on an audit opinion, it means it is issued on change of opinion which is not permissible (Favour of Assessee)
FIS Global Business Solutions India Pvt. Ltd vs. Principal Commissioner of Income Tax (High Court- Delhi)

3.      Conversion - The conversion of a company into a LLP constitutes a "transfer". If the conditions of s. 47(xiiib) are not satisfied, the transaction is chargeable to 'capital gains‘ u/s 45. If the assets and liabilities of the company are vested in the LLP at 'book value’s(cost), there is in fact no capital gain. The argument that u/s 58(4) of the LLP Act, the LLP is entitled to carry forward the accumulated losses & unabsorbed depreciation of the company, notwithstanding non-compliance with s. 47(xiiib) is not acceptable (Favour of Assessee)
Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax  vs.  Celerity Power LLP (ITAT- Mumbai)

4.      Order of ITAT - The ITAT should give independent reasons showing consideration of the submissions made on behalf of the assessee. An appellate order which affirms the order of the lower authority need not be a very detailed order. Nevertheless, there should be some indication in the order passed by the appellate authority of due application of mind to the contentions raised by the asseseee in the context of findings of the lower authority which were the subject matter of the challenge before it. (Favour of Assessee)
Cheryl J. Patel  vs.  Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax  (High Court - Bombay)


Monday, November 19, 2018


Governments are the last line of defense when it comes to shaping policy concerning aviation security. Since there is no overarching global regulator to oversee all governments in every country, the handling of aviation security policy ultimately comes down to individual governments themselves.

As a result, the aviation industry faces challenges related to individual governments and how critical aviation security issues are handled by each. Industry desperately needs governments to overcome these obstacles in order to have a more secure and effective aviation market. Let’s discuss some governmental challenges in the aviation sector.

Global Security Standard

Aviation Security Guidelines
There is a lack of a global standard for security. While there are industry suggestions published by entities such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA), these organizations have no power to directly enforce their recommended standards and practices on individual governments. Still, all countries must find a way to unite and strive to achieve the same universal baseline level of security regardless of membership to international organizations or not. The risk of losing passengers, aviation crew, cargo, and infrastructure is nothing to take lightly.

Government to Government Cooperation

When one country enacts a new security policy or policy update, there has to be some level of coordination with other countries affected by the action. Working out details of international policies ahead of time ensures enough resources will be allocated and the new process is clear to all entities involved. When they are not, passengers, aviation professionals, and the entities in between (including airlines) suffer the consequences.

Information Sharing

Along with government to government cooperation, comes info sharing. Currently, we are still not at a point where information is shared freely amongst one another. Lack of information sharing in the aviation industry is problematic. Knowledge gained of the latest risks, threats, and concealment techniques should be available to other governments needing to know. Since these often lead to revised security policies, cooperation among entities is required to guarantee security issues are addressed efficiently and in a consistent manner from country to country. Effective information sharing can save countless lives.

Technology to Market

Security Personnel Uses ETD Equipment on Passenger Luggage
Pushing new security screening equipment to market is an important task. The latest innovations and technological advances accelerate the screening process and assist with countering new threats. Governments must be supportive of equipment manufacturers and encourage constant research and development. They must expedite the process of getting detection equipment to market quickly. In addition, if governments worked together to establish a global certification system, redundancy of equipment certifications could be reduced dramatically. We must get ahead of threats as much as possible and government support for bringing technology to market can help with that.

 Trusted Traveler Program
Trusted traveler programs are a useful tool to reduce queue times at the airport by vetting low-risk individuals in advance. These programs have been successful and governments need to establish more of them. Governments must work together to connect individual programs into a universal database. If information about trusted travelers is shared amongst each other, passengers would likely experience a seamless screening process anywhere in the world, airports would be able to deliver quicker throughput, and more time could be spent countering known risks. An overarching trusted traveler database would be extremely advantageous.


Due to the lack of a global regulator, the burden of aviation security rests upon individual governments of each country. Because of this disparity, there are a handful of governmental challenges presented to the aviation industry. What additional challenges does the aviation sector face? Send in your comments to email address below.
Col Rajendra Shukla(Retd)
Daksh Consultants
India Representative- Safe Passage International

Sunday, November 18, 2018

How To Use Audio Meditations During Your Meditation Practice

If you have been practicing meditation but have not been achieving the results that you desire, there is a simple way that you can greatly increase the power of your meditation sessions.
You don’t need to be a guru at meditation to use this technique. As a matter of fact, even those that are new to this practice can still use this technique and experience its life-changing power.
Meditation can work wonders on its own, but combined with this tool, it can achieve even more.
You’re likely wondering what tool I am talking about…
This wonderful tool is known as audio meditations. This type of meditation is probably the wave of the future. Likely because anyone can use them.
There was a time when the effectiveness of a meditation session highly depended on how long a person has been practicing, their level of skill, and their level of knowledge on it. Thankfully, these days are gone.
Modern forms of this practice are quite simple to do. On top of that, there are many different types which allow a person to be able to target their area of need specifically.
Believe it or not, with the use of this tool, you can experience results in your very first session. I know this may sound too good to be true. However, it is entirely possible.
If you’re ready to begin creating positive change in your life, you should consider allowing audio meditations to help you along the way.
Since they work best when combined with more standardized practices, let’s quickly go over a simple meditation exercise.

How To Meditate

There are many ways to meditate. Each way provides its own set of benefits. Today, I would like to go over a simple mindfulness meditation. It’s really quite easy to do.
Just follow these steps…
1. Find A Quiet Area
Mindfulness meditation requires a person to be able to focus. For this reason, it’s important that you find a quiet area where you will not be disturbed.
2. Sit Down With Correct Posture
After finding a quiet are, simply sit down and make sure you have the correct posture. For the best results, you should sit with your legs crossed, back straight, and your hands in a resting position.
3. Lower Your Chin And Relax Your Eyes
Let your chin drop a little. It’s also important for you to either close your eyes or lose focus on the things that are around you. Closing your eyes is not required, but it can make this exercise easier.
4. Pay Attention To Your Body
Pay attention to your breathing. Focus on the air you inhale and exhale. Allow yourself to feel all the sensations in your body. Continue doing this for a few minutes.
5. Allow Your Mind To Drift Away
After a few minutes of practicing the last step, your mind will naturally begin to drift away. This is a good thing. In fact, it’s exactly what you are trying to achieve.
6. Make Occasional Movements
After you have felt your mind drift away, practice making intentional movements that are small and well controlled. This will help you connect with your body and become more mindful.
7. When You’re Ready, Wrap It Up
You can continue this meditation for as long as you would like. Whenever you are ready, lift your head and open your eyes. Once your eyes are open, take a moment to look around and appreciate your surroundings.
How do you feel? What is your body telling you? What kind of emotions are you experiencing? What thoughts are you having? These are all important questions that you need to ask yourself after your mindfulness meditation.

How To Combine This Meditation With A Solfeggio Audio Meditation

Combining audio meditations with a standard meditation is quite simple to do. In fact, all you need to do is find which meditation will fit your needs and then listen to them while meditating.
When using a mindfulness meditation, using solfeggio frequencies would likely be a good idea. The reason for this would be that these frequencies are designed to help people in many ways. There are different frequencies for different needs. Many of them are designed to help people align their emotions, thoughts, concentration, and even control over their body.
There is a few simple to follow rules that you should keep in mind. Following these guidelines will help you get the most out of your audio meditations.
1. Keep An Open Mind
When using any type of meditation, especially audio meditations, it is important that you have an open mind. Even if you don’t think it will work for you, simply give it a try, put your all into it, and see how you feel afterward.
2. Use Headphones
It isn’t a requirement to use headphones. However, using them can help you block out the noise that is around you. This allows you to focus solely on your audio meditation and helps get rid of distractions.
3. Give It Time
Some people may experience amazing results during their first session. However, some people may not see results as quickly. If you don’t have an amazing experience your first time using an audio meditation, that’s okay. Give it a few more tries and you will surely see some results.
Down load video here

Monday, November 12, 2018

New Field Guns for Indian Army

Modi Govt’s Artillery Modernisation would change game at Pakistan border

Artillery, shelters, bunkers, infantry, destruction, Bofors, DRDO, UAVs, LoC, Make in india, India Matters, Harsha Kakar
File photo of Haubits FH77 howitzer around which the Bofors scandal centered
The artillery has always been a battle winning factor. It possesses the ability to strike deep with great accuracy and cause maximum damage to even well-constructed shelters and bunkers. This was evident in Kargil when it pulverised enemy bunkers on hill tops, making the task of assaulting infantry easier. However, Indian artillery for long, lacked equipment with increased calibre and range thus reducing its ability to shape the battlefield and cause large scale destruction.
Other than the Bofors inducted in 1984, it possessed the 130 mm guns inducted in the 1960’s and 70’s and the 105 mm, home developed and manufactured field guns of the 1980’s. The 130 lacked the ability to fire in mountains and the 105 lacked range. Both guns fired limited type of shells with lesser level of fragmentation. The Bofors scandal was the basic reason behind restricting modernisation of the artillery.
The ghost of the Bofors was visible to AK Anthony behind every door all through his tenure as the defence minister in the Manmohan Singh government. He was so spooked that he cancelled ‘Request for Proposals’ soon after they were issued and on one occasion even ongoing trials. Every time anyone mentioned kickbacks, procurement deals were scrapped. The biggest loser all through his tenure was the artillery, which post the acquisition of Bofors, remained way behind in desired capabilities.
Even within the artillery, there was no consensus of the calibre of the gun to be purchased. The discussion revolved around 39, 45 and 52 calibres.
The calibre implies the length of the barrel, which is one of the factors to determine the maximum range of the equipment. Finally, after a gap of 30 years, the artillery is now being modernised. In a ceremony this week in Deolali, the home of the gunners, in the presence of the defence minister and the army chief, the artillery will induct two new guns.
The guns being inducted are the K9 Vajra and the M777. Both are of 155 mm, with the Vajra being a tracked self-propelled gun and the M777 a light weight howitzer which can be carried underslung by a helicopter. Both guns can fire upto a range of 30 kms. The quantity being inducted are 100 of the Vajra and 145 of the M777. The Vajra is 52 calibre, while the M777 is 39.
The Vajra is a variant of the South Korean K9 Thunder and is being manufactured by L and T defence. 10 guns were bought from South Korea and the balance are being manufactured in the company’s plant near Pune. Twenty-five M777 guns would be imported in fly-away condition and the balance 120 would be manufactured by Mahindra Defence.
The Vajra is destined for the plains and deserts and would form part of the strike corps. Being self-propelled they would operate alongside armoured formations and provide much needed firepower. For a long time, these formations lacked requisite firepower with matching mobility. There were attempts at mix and match including mounting the 130 mm barrel on an Arjun tank chassis, but all these had limited success.
The M777 is ideal for the mountains where with its light weight, better manoeuvrability and helicopter-portability, it can be deployed faster and far more forward enhancing the engagement range. Thus, they would enhance firepower in a region where spread of deployment restricts fire support to troops holding ground in the defensive role.
There are other modernisation programmes in the pipeline for the artillery. Last week, ordnance factories were given a contract for upgrading 300 vintage 130mm guns to 155 mm/ 45 calibre. These would then equip 15 artillery regiments. This upgrading is to be completed by 2022. The upgradation involved changing the barrel, adding new sighting and loading systems, enabling better accuracy and enhanced rate of fire.
The upgrading costs 70 lakhs per gun and is one-fifth the cost of a new piece. Once upgraded, the range of the gun would increase from its present 29 Kms to 39 Kms. Its lethality would also increase by 300% as the new shell would have 8 kg of TNT as compared to 3.4 earlier. These would be employed in the plains and desert sectors.
Simultaneously trials are on for the Dhanush artillery guns, the Indian version of the Bofors, based on the transfer of technology from the original manufacturer, AB Bofors. These are also 155 mm/ 45 calibre. In case the trials are successful and there are no major shortcomings, firm orders would be placed for 300 Guns.
In addition, the Advanced Towed Artillery Gun System (ATAGS) is also in the process of different phases of trials. This is another 155 mm/ 52 Calibre gun system being developed jointly by the DRDO in collaboration with the private sector. The private concerns involved are Bharat Forge, Tata power strategic engineering division and Mahindra defence naval systems. The gun during its earlier trials had set a world record of 48.074 Kms for a gun of its calibre. This has recently been surpassed by a new weapon system being developed in the US. An initial order for 40 is expected.
The latest to commence trials is the Mounted Gun System, developed by the Gun Carriage Factory, Jabalpur. It was first displayed at the Defexpo in Chennai in April. The system is also 155mm/ 52 calibre, mounted on a multi-wheeled truck and can be deployed and prepared for firing much faster. It has a range of 40 Kms.
How many of the coming gun systems would the artillery purchase is yet to be confirmed. If not in service within the country, these could always be exported enhancing India’s military exports.
The artillery, which for decades was languishing behind in firepower and capability, is now witnessing a boom. All the guns now either under trials, procurement or development come under the ‘make in India’ or ‘made in India’ category. Opening doors to the private sector has witnessed a change in the artillery profile and could also be similar for all other equipment.
Pushing the DRDO into a corner compelled them to seek collaboration with the private sector for better technology. It has succeeded, though pitfalls and failures have occurred during the trials. These would be rectified, and the artillery would obtain new guns, which it had been seeking for decades.
Within a few years, the artillery with long range guns, modern rocket systems as also better target acquisition and surveillance systems, including UAVs and drones, would enable better shaping and domination of the battlefield.
Long range missiles would remain under the strategic command. This could alter response to ceasefire violations by Pakistan. With longer ranges and integrated target acquisition capabilities, the ability to target Pakistani posts, bases and terrorist camps in greater depth would exist. With better ammunition, possessing higher fragmentation, the damage would also be far more devastating.
Finally, the battle winning arm would now come of age and be able to change the nature and quantum of support to the assaulting forces. It would also change the force ratio along the LoC and cause more damage to Pakistan if it attempts any misadventures. The induction of these guns would also compel Pakistan to go into an arms race, which it can ill afford.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Will Military Hierarchy 'Make' Soldiers Vote? By Lt Gen Prakash Katoch

Pursuant to the Supreme Court directing the Election Commission (EC) to allow defence personnel to vote as general voters in place of their posting in peace stations, reiterating an earlier judgment in 1971, the Corps HQ located at Mathura informed the Uttar Pradesh (UP) State Government that troops of the Corps located in Uttar Pradesh would be voting in the 2007 UP State Elections. The intimation to state authorities was given three months before the state elections were scheduled. In those days EC had permitted soldiers to vote from the place of posting if they had served for six months in that station. Concurrently some veterans sent RTI to the local MLA and MP querying how they had helped families of serving soldiers and veterans in their area of jurisdiction and how had they contributed to development of the military cantonments – needless to mention there was no response to the RTIs.
The UP State Government tried to wriggle out from soldier voting by saying the soldiers should get their voting cards made. Army’s response was that soldiers cannot be expected to make new voter card at every station he is posted to, for which they should seek clarification from the EC. Certified lists of soldiers who had served for six months in the station were also sent to the state authorities. The result was that special booths manned by representatives of Election Commission were set up in the military cantonments, where serving soldiers voted with after their ‘Service Identity Cards’ were cross checked with the certified list of voters that had been provided to the civil authorities. No voter cards were used. That is what should be happening in all military stations.
Few events that occurred with relation to the above elections are as under:
•  The local MLA at Mathura came to meet the Station Commander with a bag containing Rs 10 lakh, promising more would follow and asking what were the “orders” to soldiers – to vote for which political party? The Station Commander returned the money and told him army doesn’t issue any such orders – soldiers are free to vote for whoever they want to.
•  A special cell was opened in DC Office at Mathura to look into grievances of soldiers, veterans and their families.
•  Political parties requested permission to hold election rallies in cantonments, which was denied. Instead, they were permitted to put up posters in the civil market within cantonments.
•  At Allahabad, Lucknow, the Army had won a civil case against an illegal basti in cantonment. When this encroachment was evicted, the local Congress complained to Congress President, who rang up Defence Minister Anthony and an inquiry landed up in Allahabad. However, when she discovered that the Division in Allahabad would vote in UP elections, all allegation were withdrawn, inquiry dissolved and she wanted to know when the GOC could have a meal with her.
•  After the elections, the MLA elected at Mathura came to meet the Station Commander and asked how he could help in development of the cantonment by way of electricity, drainage, whatever.  
Prior to the 2014 general elections, MP Rajeev Chandrasekhar held a meeting co-chaired by Mr HS Brahma from Election Commission (later appointed Election Commissioner in January 2015), attended by mix of citizens. As a consequence of this, the mandatory period of a serving soldier to vote in his place of posting was reduced from six months to one day. This takes care of soldiers posted in peace stations and if the same procedure is followed, as was the case in 2007 UP State Elections, it is a simple exercise; election commission representatives scrutinizing the certified list of voters handed over and soldiers voting after showing their service identity cards, rather than getting fresh election cards made with every posting. The latter is impractical in case of newly posted soldiers also with reference to time required for making fresh election cards.
It is not that soldiers in peace station have not voted elsewhere in same place of posting but such instances have been occasional. But what about soldiers posted in field areas? If EC can send polling party inside GirForest for a solitary voter, establishing polling booths at battalion headquarters level should hardly be problematic, especially in areas connected by road; surely government can ensure this. Army has issued instructions for all ranks to register as voters but this is difficult in far-flung areas where the internet connection only at battalion headquarters may not even function due to poor connectivity. There is the option of postal ballots, which may or may not reach in time, or may be substituted unfairly. Perhaps army intranet could be used for voting but this is something that Army will need to work out.   
Government recently relieved Major General BC Khanduri from heading Parliament’s Standing Committee for Defence, with the Committee telling Parliament defence allocations have been lowest since 1962, and equipping of forces is pathetic. But now author and strategic affairs analyst Shudip Talukdar,   in his recent article ‘Army: Caught between Devil and deep blue sea’, points out Army took long to recover from the humiliation of 1962, 56 years later finds itself in similar predicament facing open hostility and betrayal. His observation are: Army, the most disciplined force in the country besides winning wars, is committed as last resort by successive failures of civilian agencies in delivering results; what is radically wrong with a system to penalize soldiers who are staking their lives but meekly surrender to forces of rowdyism and vote-banks; what options do soldiers have after being slapped by FIRs, slurs by NGOs and sanctimonious media except to approach the Apex Court for justice. He concludes by saying the nation must stand solidly behind the soldiers, else it could precipitate a crisis of unimaginable magnitude.
With regard to Shudip’s warning ‘else it could precipitate a crisis of unimaginable magnitude’, the fact is that the government is just not bothered, given that there is no opposition worth the name and the military hierarchy submits to every whim and fancy of the MoD bureaucrats. That 756 soldiers are knocking on the doors of the Supreme Court is an unprecedented crisis. The media is captive with activities of veterans agitation for OROP completely blacked out. It may be recalled that during the UPA regime, MM Pallam Raju had publicly expressed concern over news that 2-3 veteran soldiers had joined the Maoists. Are we creating conditions for more such cases?
Are we immune to creating so much of unwarranted stress on that soldiers lose faith in their superiors; are we instigating instances of “fragging” like what was happening in the US Army in Vietnam? Terrorists are already targeting soldiers on leave, forest guards, panchayat officials. Next could be the administrators and judiciary. Remember AQIS gave a call more than a year back for targeting senior police and IAS officers? Do we want similar fracas in the national capital? With the grapevine that MHA is moving towards ‘diluting’ the AFSPA to make it less effective, are we as a nation wanting Army to function as Police?
One way to make the politicians respect the soldiers is to let them vote. The politicians do not favour it because with every soldier being free to vote the way he/she wants, political mathematics is upset. Government anyway bothers two hoots for soldiers; witness the chest thumping planned on October 29 for celebrating anniversary of two-year old ‘surgical strikes’ to fool the public, while the MoD surgically strikes benefits of military community and continues to file appeals in SC against disabled soldiers and military widows.
The onus is, therefore on the Service Chiefs, primarily on the Army Chief because of the 1.4 million military, 1.2 million comprises Army. It is not a question of the usual googly that soldiers are free to vote, but ‘making sure’ that every soldier does vote – a fundamental right denied too long by design. This responsibility is even greater to partly square off the military hierarchy’s nonchalance to petition by 756 officers in SC – making bland statements notwithstanding. Needless to mention, every single move of the hierarchy is keenly watched by soldiers at the ground level.

Friday, August 24, 2018


Congress propaganda.
What Shashi Throor, former Assistant UN Secretary General is saying is horrible like Hindu Taliban, and Hindu Pakistan.
What Shashi Tehroor, former Assistant UN Secretary General is saying is horrible like Hindu Taliban, and Hindu Pakistan.
No one in the past has uttered such horrible statements. There is something definitely wrong with congress party and its leaders and workers.
WHY 80% HINDUS TOLERATE SUCH NONSENSE FROM CORRUPT CONGRESS HOODLUM. There is no such thing as Hindu Taliban, nor Hindu is violent.
Hindu population of Islamic republic of Pakistan, was over 23% BEFORE partition, NOW IT IS REDUCED TO LESS THAN 1%, same time, MUSLIM POPULATION OF HINDUSTAN HAS INCREASED OVER 400%. That ignorant Throor and JAICHAND likes selfish, self centered, DESH-DROHI, politicians like Nehru, family, Italian Sonia, and others, BE GRATEFUL TO MOTHER INDIA, AND 80% TOLERANT, PEACEFUL, HINDUS, that you traitors have freedom to speak against MOTHER INDIA, even demand Tukray Tukray of mother India, which feeds, protect, and nurture traitors like above.   
Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill (PCTV Bill)
{Sonia Khan’s, efforts to put “Final Nail”, in the Hindus’ “Coffin.” The draft bill is biased and against Majority ie Hindus. Many educated people are not aware of this bill (Are you one of them?) The UPA II was very keen to pass this bill during this winter session 2013. IF THIS BILL IS PASSED, in future, HINDUS WILL BE TREATED AS CRIMINALS WORLD WIDE}
 KEY POINTS and Comments on Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence Bill (PCTV) (written in the present tense)
1.     A Hindu against whom any Muslim/Christian/ minority, make any complaint, shall be presumed by law to be guilty by Police & Courts till that Hindu proves his innocence (Sec70, 71& 73)
2.      An accused Hindu shall have to be immediately arrested, as all offences under this bill, are non-bail able & cognizable (Sec 56)
 3.      This law can be invoked only by a minority against Hindus.
 4.      Accused Hindu shall not be informed who has complained against him (Sec 38) but police has to inform complainant progress of the case.
 5.     A minority is not required to give any evidence to support his complaints against Hindus (Sec 70, 71 & 72)
 6.     A Hindu refusing to do business with any minority, shall be immediately arrested [Sec 3 (f) (i)]. Taking advantage of such anti – Hindu laws a minority can force a Hindu to sell /rent his property and even surrender his daughters to minorities.
 7.      A minority cannot be punished for making even false complaints/ statement against Hindus (Sec 40)
8.      The PCTV Bill (56 pages) is based on presumption that all Hindus are criminals and communal riots are always committed only by Hindus and never by minorities. This law can be invoked only against Hindus by minorities. Muslims, Christians called “the Group” in the bill (sec 3.e). If they commit violence and hate against Hindus they cannot be booked under this new law, as they are exempt from it.
9.      Under the PCTV Bill, a Hindu against whom a Muslim including a Bangaladeshi Muslim infiltrator, a jehadi terrorist Muslim or a Christian or any minority makes a complaint, the Hindu shall be presumed ab initio, to be guilty of crimes; that Hindu shall have to be arrested as all crimes under this Bill are cognizable and non-bail able [Clause 56 of may 2011 version];  that Hindu shall have to prove his innocence before a Court;  that the Muslim or Christian making complaint is not required to give any proof or evidence to support charge against that Hindu;  that Hindu shall not be informed as to who has made complaint against him [Section 38]. During the pendency of the case the court can attach property of the accused Hindu even before he is found guilty [Sec 80, 81]. After this bill is passed any donation for religious charity made by a Hindu industrialist will invite great penalty and legal action against him. 
10.    If a minority woman complains of rape against a Hindu, he shall be arrested and he shall have to prove that charge against him is false and that Hindu will not know which woman has made complaint. But if a Hindu woman is raped by a minority male then she has to prove charge of rape against that Muslim etc and her identity shall be told to her rapist. (Ind. Exp. 12.1.12)
11.    Taking advantage of this bill a religious minority can force a Hindu to sell his property to him or rent his property to him; can force a Hindu to write off debts a minority owes to him. If a Hindu landlord evicts his Muslim tenant, then he can be sent to jail by a false complaint of that tenant. If a Hindu factory owner suspends a Muslim employee for bad work he can be sent to jail by a false complaint of that employee in which no proof required. If a Muslim applies for a job, the Hindu industrialist cannot refuse him. A minority can blackmail a Hindu industrialist and collect lacs of rupees from him. This bill will encourage Terrorist elements and pave the ground for Civil War in India. This is Anti-national, Anti-secular, Anti-Harmony, Anti- Democracy, Anti-Constitution, Anti-People and Anti Business. This bill is a violation of human rights of 95 crore Hindu hence we should appeal to the United Nations. Yet Mulayam Singh is supporting this will.
12.    This Bill if enacted as a law shall give a legal weapon to every minority to send to jail for 10 years or more any Hindu. (Indian Express 12/1/12) The question arises why there is so much hatred against peace loving innocent Hindus. All this is because there is Muslim unity (Muslim Vote Bank) but No Hindu unity (Hindu Vote Bank). 
13.    Congress wanted to pass this bill because this bill will create permanent hatred between majority and minorities.
14.    Many minority institutions including Jemait-e-Ulema Hind were forcing congress for passing this bill. Hence Mahagathan will pass this bill saliently if they win 2019. (Gulam Navi Azad said in 2013, that govt. is committed to pass this bill.


Gandhi's father was a thief who had worked for a rich Muslim Jamidar. Gandhi's father ran away after he was caught. This Muslim Jamidar got his wife as part of the property when Gandhi was not even born. Well, Gandhi was born during his mother was still caged by Muslim Jamidar. Muslim Jamidar had paid the expenses for his education in England. There are rumors that Gandhi's father used to go to meet his wife, like a thief in the night, but it is doubtful..... Excerpts are taken from the book "THE KORAN AND THE KAFIR - THE KORAN AND THE INFIDEL"... by A Ghosh - you may order this valuable book through Google Search; explaining 100s of Koran's verses, Meena Bazars, Histories. Also, find Sita Ram Goel books and Ram Swarup books - they were one of the TRUE PIONEERS in exposing Islam. 

Congress merely replaced the Brits in many ways
It is this slimy, backstabbing, self - serving Lutyens mindset - Brilliant
IN 1947 when the cunning British Rulers left INDIAN SHORES THEY Gave Partioned india to Nehru, knowing very well that both Gandhi-Nehru, will not be with HINDUS, rather ANTI-HINDUS, WHICH HAS BEEN CLARIFIED TODAY BY RAHUL, GREAT GRANDSON OF NEHRU THAT CONGRESS IS A PARTY OF MUSLIMS FOR MUSLIMS. 
यह कोंग्रेस पार्टी अपनेको मुस्लिम पार्टी कहेती है और बोलती है कि भारतमें मुस्लिम लोग असुरक्षित हैइससे बड जूठ क्या हो सकता है.
सबसे बडा मुस्लिम आतंकवादी संगठन नहेरुवीयन कोंग्रेस ही हैउसमें किसीको शक नहीं होना चाहिये.
*What is your view on the saying "Congress has looted India for 70 years?"*
*A brilliant answer by Bala Senthil Kumar to the question, as answered at popular Q&A site A must read, and to ponder about...*
*It isn't the looting of wealth that bothers me so much as the sheer fact that the Congress merely replaced the Brits in many ways - they just became masters of the same, broken, weak people, who were simply willing to suck up to authority. Nobody gave India confidence! This is the part that bothers me so much, especially with MK Gandhi's style of 'winning' us freedom by giving the enemy higher moral ground! *
*So, India has grown up as an apologetic impotent nation, where our children are taught to revere impractical, passive, cowardly notions like non-violence, when everything in nature tells us to fight to survive. Of course I know the philosophy of not fighting because of being strong. But this comes from mastery, not shamelessly bowing to masters! *
*So, we saw a change of guard. The Brits went, and new masters came in the form of the Congress Party. Hierarchies remained, the class system remained, and subservience remained. Where the heck did all the dynamism go? *
*Then we were thrown into a socialist mindset, people waiting for alms from government wealth redistribution programs instead of being empowered. We got protectionist policies, that prevented prosperity and competition, throwing us away from a path of a meritocracy. Hindustan Motors was started around the same time as Toyota, and Tata Steel started around the same time as Nippon Steel. Nippon Steel produces around five times as much as Tata Steel without native resources of ore. No need to talk about Hindustan Motors and Toyota. Japan coming out of twin nuclear strikes was devastated way more than India under the Brits. Do we need to compare how different the growth paths of these two nations have been? *
*Only when thousands died did we start the Green Revolution. Only when China attacked us did we realize we need to become militarily stronger. Only with our backs against the wall, did India liberalize its economy. Under the Congress, every move we have made towards any kind of development has come under inevitable circumstances, with our backs against the wall! *
*India was never allowed to be truly independent, strong, and proud of its people's full potential. No wonder so many of us left in droves and thrived in various countries elsewhere. This is the loot I would feel most wronged by - denying India its best talents and minds, because we didn't create the conditions for dignified development! *
*Incredibly, the immense sacrifices of our fighting heroes were also swept aside under this avalanche of worship for Gandhiji. Why? So that the Brits would feel good? The Congress party was reporting to British Intelligence for 5 years after we became an independent country, about Subhash Bose's family's movements. During a criminal probe of the Bofors scandal, the Congress External Affairs minister delivered a letter to a foreign body to deny evidence and cooperation to an Indian investigating agency. Years later, a whole bunch of Congress members and their cronies used the letterhead of the Indian Parliament to petition the USA to not issue a visa to Narendra Modi, the man who would become Prime Minister. It is these bunch of ass lickers that I want to hang or burn over a slow fire! *
*The Congress has a clear obsession with white people and a need to constantly please them. When Hillary Clinton asked India to wean itself off Iranian oil, the Congress government promptly obliged, even though Iran and India have been close friends for a long time. No surprise then that pasta aunty from Italy is their supremo. Think she would have got the same respect if she had been a Nigerian black woman? I don't think so. That's how deeply ingrained the slave mentality is in the ranks of the Congress! *
*It is the loot of India's pride, dignity, dynamism and die hard spirit that bothers me much much more than the loot of wealth. This country produced enough wealth to support the British Empire for 200 years. It can easily produce much more to ensure prosperity, health and well being for its own people. This is an abundant, powerful country, that has been prevented from being a developed, forward thinking, awesome nation that could by now have been an example for the world! *
*If India has been a weak, apologetic nation for so long, it's precisely because of the Congress! Why do we have to put up with these weasels and the fools who are aligning with them? I could even tolerate a ruthless, despotic, dictatorial mindset. It is this slimy, backstabbing, self - serving Lutyens mindset that really irks me. I would give anything to destroy this smugness, decimate it, and put it firmly behind us! *
*The economic loot is nothing compared to this, but we will bloody well make them pay for all of it.!*
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Think over it: --
Who partioned this country?
Who called for cease fire, when we were winning during 1947 and left 1/3 J and K with Pakistan? This has become constant source trouble for us and our generations to come?
Who was in power, when China   humiliated this country?
Who was in power when Mumbai blast took place?
Who killed 4000 Sikhs in riots?
Who allowed and encouraged Bangladeshi to enter and settle in India?
Under whom, maximum corruption took place?
Who returned Captured territory in 1965 like Hajipir pass and returned one lakh POW of Pakistan, without any return in 1971?
Who was in government, when Kashmir pundits were driven from J and K?
Who removed Doordarshan logo “Satam Shivam Subndweram”?
Who removed “Satyaa mev Jayate” from our coins?
Who treated Hindus as second-class citizens?
Who, as per article 30 (A), directed, that Gita and Ramayana cannot be taught in schools but allowed teaching of Kuran and Bible?
Who took away 70 % of Hindu temple earning and gave to Masjid and Church
Who granted subsidy for Haj and taxed Amaranth yatra?
Who kept 80 % of Indians people, poor, for the last about 70 years?
Who favoured minorities, out of proportion?
7. Murders: --
(a) Who killed Lal Bahadur Shastri when he was becoming threat to Indira Gandhi?
(b)Who killed Shyama Prasad Mukerjee and Deena Dayal Upaadhya, when they were threat to congress?
(c) Who killed Veer Bahadur Singh, Rajesh Pilot, Mr Sindhiya, when they were emerging as challenge to the dynasty of Gandhi Parivar?
8. Gandhi name and Muslim origin: --
(a) Who high jacked name of Gandhi in place of their Muslim name /religion/ origin?
(b) How everyone, manipulated to conceal the identity of Nehru family, right from ancestor of Motilal Nehru, that they were Muslim. They changed their name as Hindu, but their behavioural pattern and action /policy remained as Muslim?
9. If NOT MODI, who do you want to govern YOU and INDIA? :--
Gandhi parivar, Mulayam or Akhilesh Yadav, Mamta Banerjee, Mayavati, Lalu or Neetish Kumar, Communist, Muslim Party
11. The logic says that, Mr Modi should continue for next 10 to 15 years. In that case, please educate (a) the poor people   of India, who sell their vote for a paltry sum of Rs 500/-, a sari and a bottle of liquor (b)ignorant educated people, specially Hindus, who are NOT aware of what is going to happen, if anyone else, but Mr Modi comes in power.

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