
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Soldier and Soldiering -1971 War Story

1971 STORY

From an officer....

During 1971 war my Bn (3 Grenadiers) fought the Battle of Jarpal. 3 Grenadiers captured Jarpal which was defended by 35 FF. In this battle 3 Grenadiers was awarded a PVC (to then Maj Hoshiyar Singh), a MVC (then CO, Lt Col V P Airy), 4 VrCs and host of other awards. Incidentally Kheterpal was also awarded PVC in the same battle.

35 FF launched seven counter attacks on 3 Grenadiers. The last one was led by their CO, Lt Col Mohd Akram Raza. During the counter attack he was hit by a MMG burst on the face and succumbed to his injuries. Lt Col Airy, CO 3 Grenadiers wrote his citation and the offr was posthumously awarded Hilal-e-Jurat (I think eqvt of our MVC).

Later when 3 Grenadiers was in Ethiopia one of the offrs of 35 FF was also in the msn. He was invited to all the functions to mark our battle honour day, in which his bn was decimated ( 8 offrs, incl CO and over 350 other rks KIA). I must say it was to the credit of the Pakistani offr that he attended all the functions, incl Mandir parade. Later the CO of the bn when he came on lve to India got a sari for the Pakistani offr's mother. The Pakistani offr in turn brought a portrait of Lt Col Akram Raza, which is prominently displayed in our mess.

I think that's what soldiering is all about.

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